Finally…lasting pain relief. Real healing.

When you’ve tried everything else, BCST is your answer.

Happy Clients use BCST for…

Chronic Pain Relief

The ongoing nature of chronic pain can be very debilitating and depleting of our energy as well as reduce our capacity to function. BCST can help replenish and refresh our System so that we have the capacity to better deal with our circumstances.

Enhanced Wellness

Day to day events and stressors can slowly build up and can create limitations in our ability to respond smoothly to the ever changing pace of our lives. Receiving regular BCST sessions gives our System the opportunity to clear out the stressors and reestablish balance in our bodies and nervous system.

Accident and Trauma Recovery

When a traumatic event occurs in our lives, whether physical or emotional, we receive more sensory input than we can handle in that situation. If our nervous system is not given the opportunity to process that overwhelm, energetic restrictions can create issues that can show up in a variety of ways, such as headaches, muscle pain, or difficulty sleeping. BCST creates a safe environment to allow our nervous system to release that overwhelm at a pace that is healthy and restorative for us.


Common Health Issues BCST Relieves

BCST helps support your System in identifying and gently releasing areas of pain, restriction, and dysfunction. Working with your body’s ability to normalize and heal, BCST releases and resolves the energy that organizes areas of pain and their holding patterns to help restore optimal function. These holding patterns can be physical, emotional, or psychological in nature, and symptoms can show up in various ways–headaches, pain, restrictions in range of motion, feelings of anxiety or overwhelm, poor sleep, and many more.

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Back & Neck Pain

Heal the injuries and imbalances associated with chronic, nagging pain for lasting relief

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Decrease recovery time and lessen pain from falls, auto wrecks, and sports mishaps

TMJ Issues

Restore your jaw’s mobility to chew without pain, clicking, or locking 


Regain your interest in the activities and people you love, finding peace and equilibrium

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Minimize recovery time and soothe nausea, dizziness, ringing of the ears, and other symptoms

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Post Surgery Recovery

Maximize your body’s ability to recover quickly from invasive surgical procedures

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Set trapped energy free for clarity, purpose, and a greater sense of emotional balance

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Regain your body’s pre-pregnancy balance and free your emotions to feel calm and joy

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Decrease nausea, throbbing and photo-sensitivity as well as frequency of attacks

Dental Trauma

Soothe pain and speed healing to injuries of the mouth, teeth, lips, gums, or jawbone

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Process overwhelming emotions gently, finding stability, wisdom and insight 

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Birth Trauma

Relieve breastfeeding issues, baby’s difficulty sleeping, and disorientation

About K. Heather Fitzgerald

Providing pain relief since 1989.

Heather entered the Holistic Health field when she graduated from the Chicago School of Massage Therapy in August of 1989. After several years of being a massage therapist, she realized that massage, while helpful, did not seem to be resolving some of the deeper issues that her clients were having.
In 2000, Heather was introduced to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) and embarked upon a journey that continues through today. Having completed a 3 year, 500 hour training in 2003, she has learned the skills to be able to access the root cause of pain and dysfunction and be able to help alleviate it. 

has continued to deepen into the work and has regularly attended advanced biodynamic craniosacral trainings. She has also been a teaching assistant in two 3 year foundation trainings. Biodynamic work is an important part of her own self care and she receives weekly sessions as part of her personal healing journey

lives in Schaumburg with her husband Jay, and when not in the office, she enjoys attending and serving at her church, cooking and trying new recipes, being out in nature, and is an avid scuba diver.

Do You Have Any Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

The most commonly asked questions are answered below. If you still have questions, contact Heather for a quick response. Her goal is your healing and comfort.

What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)?

Biodynamic craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands on approach that helps reset and rebalance the central nervous system. We have all experienced situations that can result in our feeling overwhelmed. Our bodies have a natural capacity to be able to process those events. Sometimes we don’t give ourselves the time and ability to allow that to happen, so the energy of those situations can get stuck and held within the body. BCST helps provide a safe and gentle outlet for those held energies to be able to surface and clear, thus allowing the body to reestablish balance and more optimal health. It allows the body an opportunity to process and release difficult situations, whether they are emotional, physical, or psychological.

How can BCST help me?

Our bodies are very smart. They know how to heal. If we scrape our knee, our body knows just what it needs to do to repair the area and restore health. There are times, however, if a situation is too much for us to handle in a given moment, or it comes at us at a faster rate than we can deal with, our System can become overwhelmed. In cases like that, the nervous system contains the energy of the event, holds on to it, and waits until it’s given an opportunity to allow that energy to move and release. If we don’t allow for the discharge of the event, the central nervous system, in its wisdom, will hold on to it until it does have the opportunity. It can be that build up of held trauma that can contribute to physical symptoms over time. BCST allows the central nervous system the opportunity to release the held energy in a safe and respectful, measured way.

How does BCST work?

The therapist gently places hands on a fully clothed client and listens  to the quality of the subtle movement in the client’s system. Knowing how the healthy movement of energy feels, any deviation of that reveals where there is restriction in the body. The therapist offers the necessary support for the body to be able to begin to release and discharge the holding pattern from the held event.

What is a BCST session like?

A biodynamic craniosacral session is performed with the client fully clothed. Before beginning the session, the client and therapist will have a  conversation to discuss the goals of their session. Once the client is comfortable and ready to lie on the table, the therapist will use gentle hand contact to engage the client’s system and begin listening for how well the Health is moving in the client’s system. Once a restriction has been identified, the therapist supports the release and discharge of the restriction.

How many sessions will I need?

This is very individual and depends on a few things. One of those is what the client’s goals are. Some folks come in seeking relief from a certain symptom. When that is relieved, they may choose to stop coming in for sessions. If there is an ongoing life situation they choose to address and are looking for continued support, a maintenance schedule can be designed. Some conditions have multiple layers and take some time for the wisdom of the body to process.

How much does a session cost and how long is it?

BCST sessions for adults cost $130 and last about an hour. That is inclusive of the pre-session conversation as well as the table work. Sessions with babies and children are $65 and last about a half an hour.


Get Help From The Comfort Of Your Home

If schedule or physical distance doesn’t allow you to come into the office for a session, you can still experience BCST from the comfort of your own home. Distance work is similar to sessions in the office in that we communicate and discuss your concerns and situations while on the phone.

We live in northern Wisconsin, and Heather works in Mt Prospect. My husband and I both could feel changes going on in our bodies! Awesome! Just like we were in her office!

Bob & Linda
Traumatic Brain Injury Patients

Relief Without Leaving Home

Once the intentions have been established for the session, you find a comfortable place to rest and Heather will come into relationship with the subtle rhythms of your body and help it release and rebalance, all while remaining in conversation in real time.

Happy Clients

I have been a client of Heather’s since June 2018 and with her help, my body has begun to feel so much better. I have had some occasions of major back issues from an injury long ago, to the point that I have seen a chiropractor for 25 years. It’s not until I added Heather to my health program, that I have seen my back and neck issues get so much better, and much more manageable. I am living a much better life now, without constantly feeling the pain. In the past 6 months we have added BCST to our bi-monthly sessions that I think that has been a major help along with the physical massage. I am so lucky to have found such a warm and generous spirit in Heather. I can’t recommend her enough.

Sandy Smith


“It has been such an honor to work with Heather. Her gently hands have helped my babies in many ways. She takes the time to listen to their little bodies and has the ability to target the problems that they are having with a simple touch. Both of my girls sleep very well after Heather works with them. When my eldest was a baby, I was told by my pediatrician that she would probably need a helmet to fix the flat side of her head. After a couple of sessions with Heather, I saw significant change to my daughter’s head. We never made an appointment with a helmet doctor. My youngest has had constipation issues. She gets very agitated and has trouble sleeping. After a recent session with Heather, she had a full diaper within a couple of hours. She sleeps well too! It’s amazing to see the changes in both of my girls. To ease any concerns, Heather explains what she is doing during the sessions. She truly has a git to work with infants.”

Karina Paul


Heather is a thoughtful, empathetic, and knowledgeable Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist. Her listening ear, patience, and focused attention have allowed me to feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed during our sessions. Heather has keen awareness of what is going on within the body, and uses that insight to achieve balance within one’s system. She has helped me work through past and present traumas, oftentimes talking through and helping tease apart the thoughts patterns and beliefs that have had me stuck. She never oversteps boundaries and always asks permission to speak into a situation. I am always willing to listen and have found her viewpoint to be very helpful. As an athlete, I have also experienced relief from physical injuries as well as pain with Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and I highly recommend Heather to others.

Erica Kane



Become an Expert in How BCST Can Help You

Does remote BCST really work?

That was the first thought I had when I heard a colleague talk about having done a distance session with a client of hers. I knew the effectiveness of working with a client on my table, but working with someone in another town or...

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200 E. Evergreen Ave, Suite 118
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056

Monday : Closed 

Tuesday : 1:30pm – 8:30pm

Wednesday : 9:00am – 6:00pm

Thursday : 1:30pm – 8:30pm

Friday : 9:00am – 5:00pm

Saturday : 8:30pm – 5:00pm

Sunday : Closed